Designed by Finance People for Finance People.
We understand that the management of media business is a crucial component to success and there is little time for learning something new.
Get a real-time picture of your Accounts Receivable whenever you want. SDS AR’s simple to use and powerful features allow you to quickly manage, research and generate reports.
- Multi-network capable
- Dynamic taxes
- Multiple invoice printing options
- User defined report
- Ability to make checks network/station specific
- Multi-network/station or single network/ station statements
- Multi-layer security
- Ability for sales reps to view outstanding receivables
- Define a finely tuned sales incentive structure,using multiple sales commissions, based on budgets, targets, pools, type of business and date ranges with the ability to “reverse” commissions if payment is not received
- Calculate and report on Sales Commissions for AE(s), AE(s) pools, and sales offices as defined for each AE and display the amount of commissions earned
- Ability for Sales AE(s) to request adjustments and write-offs electronically